该流水线主要用于生产喷油脱模类蛋糕如蛋黄派、兔子蛋糕、小熊蛋糕等。产能一般为500公斤—1000公斤/小时/条,并可凭据客户的特殊要求进行特别设计。设备的结构也可按用户的实际情况进行变换。该流水线能大大地节省人工本钱,并能包管产品品质的稳定。 The production line is mainly used in the production of injection mold release cake such as egg yolk pie, rabbit, bear, cake, etc. Capacity is 500 kg, 1000 kg/hour/article, and can be specially designed according to the special requirements of customers. The layout of the equipment can also be changed according to user's actual situation. The assembly line can greatly save labor costs, and the stability of product quality is guaranteed. |